I'm Matteo, and I enclose the emotions of the wedding in the photos
If you have landed on my site, it is likely that you are looking for a photographer, perhaps in Padua or in the Veneto region. My name is Matteo, and when I was ten years old I thought of making Mr. Kodak rich by consuming three disposable cameras in a single day to photograph Giotto's bell tower in Florence: this is how my journey into the world of photography began.
My passion for the "click" hasn't changed one iota since that day: from the Florentine light, to the Venetian one, or to the pink of the Dolomites, my approach is always that of a child who tries to be amazed every day by playing with and shadows.
Ansel Adams said that when you shoot, you put into photography everything you've read, the music you've listened to, the people you've loved and, ultimately, everything you've experienced. That's why I tell you, without a shadow of presumption, that no one else will take pictures of you that I can take. Simply because we are all different (thankfully!).
I like to tell stories through photos, composing reportage stories, filtering what I see through the lens of a lens. I started looking at the camera as my playmate early on, and a little later, in 2014, I turned my passion into something more. It happened a bit by chance, when a photographer friend of mine asked me to help her with a photo shoot at a wedding. It was there that I realized that with a camera I could tell love stories, I could compose stories of a single day by looking at the most sincere feelings through the eyes of the protagonists.
Welcome to this little world that is my website: take a look at my photographs, and contact me if you like!